Ray Hernández-Durán, UNM
July 8, 2018
Most of the information we get regarding political events at home, as well as abroad, is visual in nature. Images have played and continue to play a central role in not only capturing specific events but in conveying political ideas and facilitating debates in a manner that is accessible to a larger public. In this lecture, we will look at three case studies from Mexico: late colonial (18th century), post- independence (19th century), and revolutionary (early 20th century) to illustrate how images have shaped some of Mexico’s most important historical events up until the present.
Ray Hernández-Durán received his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago and is currently, Associate Professor of Spanish Colonial Art History at the University of New Mexico. In addition to courses on colonial art, he teaches baroque art, African art, and Museum Studies. Awards he has received include: a MacArthur Fellowship, two Fulbright-Hays Fellowships, and grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andy Warhol Foundation. His recent book on the Academy of San Carlos in nineteenth-century Mexico City was nominated for the 2018 Latin American Studies Association Mexico Book Award in the Humanities.
Supported by Urban Enhancement Trust Fund, Haverland Carter Lifestyle Group
and Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union