March 22, 2013 –

Karl-Matthias Klause
Embassy of Germany in U.S.

The German economic model as developed since World War II has not only provided unparalleled prosperity and security for German and European Union citizens. It has also done so while incorporating elements of traditional humanistic and ethical protections for the less fortunate members of society. It melds the rights and duties of entrepreneurs and workers by means of a social partnership with strong unions. Germany has managed the political wonder of re-unification and strong economic development in the era of globalization due to its innovative and competitive export industries, highly skilled workforce,  very low youth unemployment and sound public finances, making it a major force for stabilizing the Euro. In his talk, Mr. Klause will  address some key questions:  Why has Germany faired so well in comparison to other European countries during the recent crisis? What can Americans learn from the German experience? What role will Germany play in the future within the European Union and the rest of the world?
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